Work from my Concepts class, taught by Rebecca Bradley. It was pretty difficult working more...commercially(?), but I know it has to be done. I think I learned this year that I prefer 1 week assignments over anything longer—otherwise I end up overworking/thinking things.
Also, I think my problem is that I don't have a particular style and I like changing up my materials depending on the subject and/or aesthetic I'm aiming for. I'm not sure how that will work for me when I graduate...but here’s the work, again starting from the most recent pieces:

Movie spot illustration for Burn After Reading. Had some trouble with George Clooney and Tilda Swinton. Actually I have trouble with portraits in general, but this was a fun assignment, I liked the sketches I did in the theatre too, so maybe I'll post them later.

Map assignment. My idea was "Miss Ann Thrope's Maps", maps for other misanthropes, ways to avoid people, places to go, etc. The idea may have been too complicated for a two week assignment. I liked my line work (almost died drawing it all) but not so much the coloring. Maybe one day I'll revisit

Gift wrap assignment. My theme was spring. I missed doing brush painting with sumi ink and rice paper.

Poster design assignment that was actually used for these bands at the 8x10 club in Baltimore. Didn't get at chance to attend the concert though, got caught up with work. It was a difficult illustration to come up with, each band was so different (Higher Hands, The Grilled Lincolns, Sara and the Help).

This assignment was to make an illustration based off of a statement from "Overheard in NY". Then we had to turn it into some type of product. I thought this would be a fun billboard. This was cut paper, sort of a continuation of a design I did for the HHF, right here. I admit, it's a little hard to read, my quote was "Chicken is the enemy of man."

First assignment, which was an op ed piece for the New Yorker. Requirements were black and white. My piece is based off of an article on how the pop memorabilia of today is equal to the value of religious relics in the past. Also, I am apologizing in advance for the guitar not being left-handed.

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