Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Going to SIGGRAPH ASIA 2010

Leaving for SIGGRAPH ASIA 2010 in Seoul. The conference is actually later, but I'll be doing....other stuff. Pit stop in Thailand!

When I was saying my goodbyes, my ol' manager from the days when I had a legit/sort of job asked me, " Which Korea are you going to?"
and I blithely answered, " The one that will let me come back."

...Now I'm not so sure...ooooh well, WELL FULL SPEED AHEAD.
So I'm leaving with this picture that was actually a birthday card/digital coloring experiment/practice/wave goodbye to America.

Friday, November 12, 2010

"Purging the Inferno" Comic in #12 Rabid Rabbit release Dec 4th at Comic and Graphic Arts Festival

My "Purging the Inferno" comic will be in the 12th issue of Rabid Rabbit, " Rabid Rabbit Goes to Hell" on Dec. 4 at the Brooklyn Comic and Graphic Arts Festival (12-9:00 p.m.)

Support awesome comic artists/illustrators!

Free admission...so DO AS SEEN BELOW :

Also, forgot to post before, but got a nice mention by the Comic Alliance for the Monster Project last month.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Food Party's Thu Tran and Friends (and lovers ;p)

Finished a new piece of Thu Tran and Friends from IFC's Food Party. This piece went by faster than the Supernatural one because it was full of subjects I am familiar with,
like....food, Asian lady, and crazy.

But to still be challenging I wanted to somehow incorporate the Bodhisattva Guanyin and vintage Chinese/Asian advertisements.
Success?... Maybe.
Disturbing...hope so.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Thursday, November 4, 2010

FIIIIIIILLLLLLLLER/ what I've been meaning to post back in the summer.

I AM ARTING, but it's going really slow.
BUT here is some stuff I've been meaning to post for a while:

1. I had a lot of good times from when I was still working at the MICA store during the summer after recently graduating, like sitting in the display window with a "Recent Graduate" for sale sign or putting up advertisements of ourselves as prom dates for the Pre-college students:
Profiles drawn and written by Tim Yingling:

2. I did this to my mom's cell phone a while ago. She's really religious so I just went with that.

3. This is my dad's computer keyboard. Looks like something I would do to it, but I actually think my dad did this himself....
Clearly....WE ARE RELATED.

So now everyone knows some of the stuff I do when I'm taking a break from arting.