I have this thing for hamburgers.
Also I got to work at my own pace, which meant I was still working all the time more or less, but with no deadline.
I love lithography, I'll miss it.
I'll miss a lot of things...
but I guess I'll still have the hamburgers.
goodbye japan...
Book cover for a three part series I did based off of sketches I did of people sleeping on the train.
I wish i could have done more. the thing was, the people had to be directly in front of me. also, I had to wait for them to fall asleep/stay asleep/people to get out of my way/not enough time in japan. but it would have been awesome if i could do like....20 more.

Part one-host and party girl- this one i liked because I was on the train at like...5 a.m in the morning when the only people going home are trashed hosts, party girls, and seedy foreigners that couldn't pick up a girl from the night before. also there are business people going to the city for work. it's beautiful.

Part two-old lady young lady

Part three-old men

hamburger band. brought back the character from a previous comic I did over the break. I wish gold hamburger coins existed. did two versions of it.

portrait, combination of two litho plates and monotype

another portrait

phinetoscope-phinecto-whatever for animation. i'll put it in flash oneday...

hamburger buddha...based off a life drawing. three plates.

series of prints with drawings from nude models and hamburgers somewhere in there.

hamburger print design

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