I did this one project where I found the addresses of people who were also named Ariyana and then I mailed them random drawings....
First Ariyana would get my envelope:

And then once Ariyana opened the envelope, the explanation:

In hindsight it does sound a bit creepy/crazy, but at least one person did not thing so.
That person is one of the Ariyana Randolph (of Ten20 Chicago) who recently found me out and sent an email:
"Hello Ariyana!
Great to finally solve a great mystery in life- long ago (as in 2 years) you sent me an incredible piece of mail that at the time was quite puzzling. Now that I finally have discovered that you are an artist... I am glad our paths cosmically crossed! The world needs for random acts of art! Thanks again."
It was so long ago, that I forgot I even did it, especially since a lot of the letters got returned.
So, rummaged around and found the photo copies of some drawings I did...which were quick 5 minute drawings of moments, scenes of something I was watching, how I was feeling at the time, what I was looking at....

Now that I think about it, I guess I was into inflicting my art on innocent bystanders at the time. I also did another project that year, Books Incognito, where I carved out the inside of books, put some found art sculptures inside and put them in the library. I put an email address in case other people found them, but then I forgot the password and then the email address
....so in the long run I kind of fail at these things....
BUT - I was someone's mystery for a little while! How COOL is that!?
as a fellow weirdly named human, i love this terrifying and awesome act of infiltrating others' lives without permission. well done, you.