Sunday, December 27, 2009

Thesis: Holy Hamburger Part 2 and 3

Two more paintings for my 4 Part Holy Hamburger series. See Part one here.
Part two:
Was less trouble, but had a whole new set of problems since I decided to work inversely, white on black, which I haven't done before.

Part 3: Came out the best. better planned. Worked on it on the same time as Part 4 which I then abandoned in order to have this finished by finals. Condensed 3 weeks-1 month work in 1.5 week. But not without consequence. This was Nyquil/Motrin/Sick/chronique nosebleeds because of the excessive Nyquil/no sleep week.

Lessons Learned: Time management fail. Gained ability to feel nothing until 6-7 a.m., Possible irrevocable liver damage.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Locking zine that never was.

Two sketches for a zine about locking and a pin design for breakdance club at art market, which I ended up not being much help at since I was hopped up on Nyquil and Motrin to supress my germs and stress in order to finish my finals.
I liked how these pages turned out, and maybe I'll continue it for fun one day....but probably not since dancing is for fun and art is for work and I don't like to mix the two. At least not for now.

Also, one of my favorite locking videos:

Massively Late Update: Comicon and Sketches of 2009

Extremely late post on The Society of the Okay's (just Annie Wu, Emma Rochon, and Me) debut in 2009 Baltimore Comicon.

Basic recap of events and life lessons learned: Annie forced children to take lollipops, Emma got herself a patron, ate burger behind the booth, was glad I saw Idiot Books there and amused myself with Ten Thousand Stories I bought from them, and I am terrible at self promotion because I either hide or repel people. For instance, I use the booth as a fort, I have no facial recognition for people once I'm behind the booth, so I become rude aaaand I dress like this:

And the ever popular mini cards from
Also sketchbook stuff from this year. AND my prethesis/holy hamburger sketches.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Thesis: Holy Hamburger Part 1

Finished the first of the 4 posters in my Holy Hamburger series.
used acrylic ink, gouache, watercolor pencils, watercolor pastels, india ink, some other type of ink....
took 3 weeks. a couple of sleepless nights, and a lot of tylenol/advil.The original is 18x24 in.
Here's a picture for a sense of the scale.

Tried to sell some 11x17 and 8.5x11 prints at the Baltimore Comicon, but I think i need to sell poster size prints because it didn't seem to appeal to people in smaller form.
oh will update on lessons learned and pictures of Comicon later. Also here's a detail from one of my favorite parts before I painted the color in:

Monday, September 28, 2009

THESIS, Part I The Holy Hamburger sketches

My thesis: people worshipping hamburgers.
Tibetan inspired mural paintings of people worshiping hamburgers.
There will be 4 18 x 24 posters in a series called The Holy Hamburger.
also I will do small side projects of specific characters/objects/scenes....
I can't believe they're letting me do this...
So far, sketches and a finished mini piece. Still inking the final.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Extras/Stuff for other people/Random

Some extra stuff I've done. Sometimes I think my best work is when I do work for other people. or are life drawings. The first is a birthday card for a friend in Japan. The next one is some lifedrawing with sumi ink.The ones after that are goodbye cards I made for my print department. I tried to combine hamburgers with each person's style/subject matter/favorite thing/hobby. I just wanted them to know that I appreciated everyone. The last one was a text design for the Church I went to while I was in Japan. They didn't use it, but it's okay, they were so nice to me even though I'm Buddhist. And they fed me, which was awesome.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Printmaking Work in Osaka

So I'm procrastinating doing my work for thesis by uploading pictures of my printmaking work that I did in Japan at Osaka University of Art. It felt so good to do my own thing, which mostly involved life drawing and hamburgers, often together.
I have this thing for hamburgers.
Also I got to work at my own pace, which meant I was still working all the time more or less, but with no deadline.
I love lithography, I'll miss it.
I'll miss a lot of things...
but I guess I'll still have the hamburgers.

goodbye japan...

Book cover for a three part series I did based off of sketches I did of people sleeping on the train.
I wish i could have done more. the thing was, the people had to be directly in front of me. also, I had to wait for them to fall asleep/stay asleep/people to get out of my way/not enough time in japan. but it would have been awesome if i could do like....20 more.

Part one-host and party girl- this one i liked because I was on the train at like...5 a.m in the morning when the only people going home are trashed hosts, party girls, and seedy foreigners that couldn't pick up a girl from the night before. also there are business people going to the city for work. it's beautiful.

Part two-old lady young lady

Part three-old men

hamburger band. brought back the character from a previous comic I did over the break. I wish gold hamburger coins existed. did two versions of it.

portrait, combination of two litho plates and monotype

another portrait

phinetoscope-phinecto-whatever for animation. i'll put it in flash oneday...
hamburger buddha...based off a life drawing. three plates.

series of prints with drawings from nude models and hamburgers somewhere in there.

hamburger print design

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Here's some work I've been working on here.
My first lithoprint, YAY! colored with watercolors....

Sketch for a multi-plate print i'll be trying for the first time later this week.

Second piece of my final project....still have to finish that little corner...

As for what I've been up to during golden week, check it out here.

I'll try to keep in better contact, so my parents will stop thinking that I've died. ( which could be likely since I have this bike I don't really know how to ride....I need to remember to bring a tea offering to the little god shrine on the side of the school bike parking lot.....)

Friday, April 3, 2009

Side note...

Aside from my project (ugh), I did manage to finish my sister's commission for birthday cards.*
The first one is for her boyfriend, so it matches an earlier card I made for her. here.
And the other one is for her other friend, and I really like drawing afros.

*not really, it's more like pay back for driving me around.


SO this is the first piece in a series (there's going to be 3 more.... 4 is the minimum requirement).

I know it's only 8.5 x 11, but I felt carpel tunnel spreading through my hand and my eye sight slipping away as I slaved over this this piece with a .005 and .01 micron pen.
I'm really regretting this as my final project, but there's no going back. Even after I was done, everything looked like the scribbles of a crazy person. I put basic colors to help organize sections but I'll have to worry about coloring it later.

I have to do 3 more. oh-my-GOD!

I also still have to pack for Japan. I give up. I'm going back to reading The Man who Mistook His Wife for a Hat. Then I can think things like...oh well at least I don't have a phantom limb or Tourettes.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Lost and Found Part II

Continuation of the Lost and Found series project. It's fun just experimenting......ugh the final. I still have to come up with a plan for my final. On the bright side, the tardis will be back...somehow. I don't know why hiding a tardis in my illustration assignments is what keeps me going. Oh well.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Stephen Colbert and the Barrel Eye Fish

Stephen Colbert's report on the barrel eye fish. This is related to my earlier post about the "fish with the transparent head".
If only I had one...I would poke it's head all the time!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Khanita, it is your birthday.

It is your birthday. Here is your card. (Do i sound like Dwight!?!?!)
Uh, it's bigger when you click on it.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Lost and Found Sketches/Works In Progress

I'm designing a series of postcards/ envelopes for my new illustration project.
As you can see I'm a huge fan of Nick Bantock.
There's no tardis in these, but that's ok, for now. This is a mix of collage, painting, and drawings of some really awesome statues my mom brought back from India.